Other Ways to Reduce Teleport Costs
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There are several ways that you can reduce teleport costs other than Aetheryte Tickets. While aetheryte tickets are the best way to do so, here are some ways to reduce the cost when you don't have any. The idea is to use certain items, NPCs, and features to reduce the total cost of teleports. If you are unsure if using these methods will reduce the cost of your teleport, you can check this spreadsheet for teleport costs.
Using a Grand Company Aetheryte Ticket will teleport you in front of your Grand Company. This can be used to reduce the cost of your teleport. For example, if a player who is in the Immortal Flames is in Ultima Thule and want to go to Limsa Lominsa Lower decks, the teleport will cost 1,289 gil. However, by using an Immortal Flames Aetheryte Ticket, the teleport cost to Limsa Lominsa Lower decks is reduced to 456 gil.
To purchase [Grand Company] Aetheryte Tickets, talk to your Grand Company Quartermaster. It is located under the Materiel tab for 2,000 Grand Company Seals. Player must be the First Lieutenant rank in their Grand Company in order to purchase.
When you interact with an Aetheryte, you can set it as a favored location. When you teleport to a favored location, the cost will be halved. Players by default can set 3 favored locations, and can get a 4th by installing the XIV companion app. It is wise to set favored locations to where you travel often, such as towns where you spend tomestones at, such as Radz-at-Han, Eulmore, Rhalgar's Reach, Idyllshire, and Mor Dhona. The Gold Saucer is another good choice if you go there often enough. Kugane and The Doman Enclave make good destinations if you do a lot of Eureka and Bozja content. Favored Destinations are marked with a silver star in the teleport menu.
Just like favored destination, teleporting to the Security Token Free Destination will cost you 0 gil. In order to get this free teleport, your account must be using the Square Enix Security Token. This teleport is marked with a gold star in the teleport menu.
You can set your home point by interacting with an Aetheryte and selecting "Set Home Point". When you use the "Return" spell, it will take you to your home point for free. You may do this once every 15 minutes. Doing this may help reduce the cost of your teleport if your destination is close to your home point. Alternatively, if you have the Blue Mage spell you can cast the spell Self-Destruct, and accept the option to return to your home point. This can be done once every 10 minutes. To help reduce the cost of repairs, you can take off your equipment or change equipment to gear that you do not intend on repairing.
There are certain NPCs that you can talk to that are cheaper than teleporitng from town to town. You can take an airship from and to Gridania, Ul'Dah, Limsa Lominsa, Ishgard, and Radz-at-Han for only 120-500 gil, while the teleport from Ishgard to Radz-at-Han costs 1,027 gil. To calculate how much the airship will cost, is about less than half the cost to teleport.
In Limsa Lominsa, you can take a ferry to either Kugane or Old Sharlayan for only 300 gil, and vice versa. It costs 1,504 gil to teleport to Kugane from Limsa, and 1,034 gil to Old Sharlayan from Limsa.
If you have access to a housing district, you can greatly reduce the cost of teleporting by going there first, then teleporting to a nearby location, as housing disctricts inherintly cost less to teleport to. To have access to teleporting to a housing district, you either own a personal house with an aethernet shard, or an apartment, or be in a free company that has a house with an aethernet shard.
If you are part of a free company, you may enable the "Reduced Rates II" action to reduce the costs of teleporting by 30% for 24h. Alternatively, if your free company is already using other actions, you can obtain "Priority Aetheryte Pass" from Sqaudron missions to reduce teleport costs by 40% for 2 hours. Note these buffs do not stack with each other. Only the strongest effect will take place.
If you and friends are in the same location and have the same destination, form a party with them. When one player in a party teleports, they will offer every other party member in the zone a free teleport to that location. You can set up a system where you take turns for who is paying for teleports so that everyone can save up on gil. Note this does not work when using items to teleport, using the Return spell, or teleporting to housing districts.