How to get Allied Seals with Blue Mage
Learn about earning rewards from doing Blue Mage content in FFXIV. Allied Seals earned from Blue Mage content can redeem Aetheryte Tickets!
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Learn about earning rewards from doing Blue Mage content in FFXIV. Allied Seals earned from Blue Mage content can redeem Aetheryte Tickets!
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Using this feature requires the completion of the level 50 Blue Mage Quest "The Real Folk Blues". Upon completion, players can talk to the Celestium Attendant NPC lokated at Onyx Lane in U'dah - Steps of Thal by the Miner's Guild Aethernet Shard.
Completing each Masked Carnivale stage for the first-time rewards the player with Poetics, Gil and Allied Seals.
Stages 1-5 reward 50 Allied Seals
Stages 6-24 and 26-29 reward 100 Allied Seals
Stages 25, 30, 31, and 32 reward 200 Allied Seals
Total for completing stages for the first time: 3,450 Allied Seals, which equates to 690 Aetheryte Tickets.
If you have trouble clearing stages, Blue Academy has a playlist of guides for each stage.
In addition to first time rewards, each week 3 stages will be marked as weekly targets. In addition to completing the stage, weekly targets may require the player to achieve certain bonuses in order to claim the rewards, such as using only lightning-aspected spells, or completing within the Standard Completion Time. To find out what each Bonus requires you to do, you can click on the "Bonus Details" button next to Challenge, and the relevant bonuses will be marked with the icon of the weekly target. If you have trouble completing weekly targets, the Blue Academy Youtube channel posts a video for each week's targets.
C rank targets (marked with a blue star) reward 100 Allied Seals, and do not require any bonuses.
B rank targets (marked with a silver star) reward 150 Allied Seals, and require 1-2 bonuses.
A rank targets (marked with a gold star) reward 300 Allied Seals, and require 2-3 bonuses.
Total for completing Masked Carnivale weekly targets: 550 Allied Seals, which can be used to purchase 110 Aetheryte Tickets.
Using this feature requires the completion of the level 60 Blue Mage Quest "Blue Scream of Death". To access the Blue Mage Log, click on the gold page icon at the top of the Blue Mage Spellbook. In order for a duty to be applicable for completing the Blue Mage Log, players must meet the size requirements for the duty with all players as Blue Mages. The duty must also be synced, so players should make sure the "Unrestricted Party" feature is turned OFF.
First time completion: 30 Allied Seals Each subsequent completion: 10 Allied Seals
First time completion: 50 Allied Seals Each subsequent completion: 15 Allied Seals
Each week 6 duties get marked for weekly challenges.
3 challenges are marked as Standard Duties, with a silver star, and are typically Dungeons, Trials, and Normal raids. Standard Duty weekly challenges reward 200 Allied Seals in addition to their regular reward.
The other 3 challenges are marked as Prime Targets, and are typically Extreme Trials or Savage Raids. Prime targets reward 400 Allied Seals.