How to get Allied Seals & Centurio Seals with Hunts (Without Waiting)
Learn all about Daily Hunts and Weekly B-Rank Hunts. These can be done at any time, because the targets respawn within seconds or minutes.
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Learn all about Daily Hunts and Weekly B-Rank Hunts. These can be done at any time, because the targets respawn within seconds or minutes.
Last updated
Using these features requires unlocking The Hunt. You can learn how to unlock The Hunt from this guide:
The Hunt Board is where you can pick up Hunt Mark Bills. Hunt Mark Bills allow you to earn Gil, Seals, and even EXP when you kill the targets.
You can find the Hunt Board by looking for this icon on your map:
There are Daily (or Regular) Mark Bills and Weekly (or Elite) mark bills. You may click the "Accept" button to pick up the mark bills. If you need to view them again, open your inventory and go to Key Items & Crystals. Select the Mark Bill item and select "Use." You can always view these at any time. They will remain in your inventory until you complete them.
Daily Mark Bills are usually regular mobs out in the overworld, or FATE bosses.
Weekly Elite Mark Bills can only be picked up once a week, and will refresh at FFXIV Weekly Reset. All Weekly Mark Bills are for B-Rank Hunt Marks.
Respawn Time: About 2-3 minutes
How to Find: Click on the right-facing triangle button next to "Location" on your hunt mark bill to open the map where the mob is located.
B-Ranks have a blue symbol next to their name. They are passive mobs.
In ARR, there is 1 per zone. In HW onwards, there are 2 per zone.
Respawn Time: About 6 seconds
How to Find: You can locate B-Ranks by checking each of their spawn points. Faloop! is a great way to find locations of all B-Ranks. After selecting your Data Center and World, click the "B-Ranks" tab in the top navigation. You may select filters such as world, expansion (indicated by the patch number), and open/closed windows.
Clicking on a row for a B-Rank will display a pop-up containing information on the selected B-Rank. View the map by pressing the map icon at the top of the pop-up where the B-Rank name is.
B-Ranks are meant to be soloed if you are at its level or higher. It will respawn after several seconds, so if someone kills it, you can find it again right away.
You must go to your Grand Company to use the Hunt Board.
Regular Mobs: 8 Allied Seals each × 3 = 24 Allied Seals
FATE Boss Mobs: 20 Allied Seals each × 2 = 40 Allied Seals
Daily Total: 64 Allied Seals which is worth 12 Aetheryte Tickets.
Weekly Total: 100 Allied Seals which is worth 20 Aetheryte Tickets.
The Hunt Board for Heavensward is found in Foundation (12.7, 11.6).
Level 1 Clan Mark Bills: 3 Allied Seals each × 5 = 15 Centurio Seals
Level 2 Clan Mark Bills: 4 Allied Seals each × 5 = 20 Centurio Seals
Level 3 Clan Mark Bills: 15 Allied Seals each × 5 = 75 Centurio Seals
Daily Total: 110 Centurio Seals which is worth 14 Aetheryte Tickets.
Weekly Total: 100 Centurio Seals which is worth 20 Aetheryte Tickets.
The Hunt Boards for Stormblood are found in Rhalgr's Reach (13.1, 11.6) and Kugane (10.6, 10.3). Although there are two Hunt Boards, the Mark Bills are the same.
Level 1 Veteran Clan Mark Bills: 3 Allied Seals each × 5 = 15 Centurio Seals
Level 2 Veteran Clan Mark Bills: 4 Allied Seals each × 5 = 20 Centurio Seals
Level 3 Veteran Clan Mark Bills: 15 Allied Seals each × 5 = 75 Centurio Seals
Daily Total: 110 Centurio Seals which is worth 14 Aetheryte Tickets.
Weekly Total: 100 Centurio Seals which is worth 20 Aetheryte Tickets.
If you do your weekly B-Ranks from A Realm Reborn, Heavensward, and Stormblood, you can get 300 Seals a week, which is 60 Aetheryte Tickets per week. That is the easiest route to take regularly, as doing daily Mark Bills is more time-consuming.