🅰️How to get Allied Seals & Centurio Seals with A-Rank Hunts

With the increased level cap to level 100, A-Ranks from levels 50 to 70 are easily taken down in 7.0.

A-Rank Hunts Marks appear in the overworld and have a cooldown of a few hours. ARR, Heavensward, and Stormblood A-Ranks are easily soloable as a level 100 character. Here's how to hunt down these A-Ranks on your own!

Like B-Ranks, earning hunt currency rewards requires the Hunt feature to be unlocked on your character.

A-Rank Rewards

A Realm Reborn

With full credit, ARR A-Ranks drop 40 Allied Seals and 20 Centurio Seals.


With full credit, Heavensward A-Ranks drop 40 Centurio Seals.


With full credit, Stormblood A-Ranks drop 40 Centurio Seals.

How A-Ranks Spawn

All A-Ranks spawn automatically. There is no hidden condition to cause them to spawn.

However, they have a cooldown period after they are defeated or after servers are restarted due to maintenance. Once the cooldown period has entered, its window opens. During this period, a hidden timer is set that determines when the A-Rank will spawn. The hidden timer is randomly set; it can be anywhere from right when the window opens to when the window caps. After the window is over, the A-Rank is considered capped, or "forced", and is guaranteed to spawn. There is also a possibility that the A-Rank was killed during the window without anyone knowing/recording.

Tracking A-Rank Timers

Knowing how A-Rank timers work is helpful to know if an A-Rank is up so you don't waste your time searching for one that isn't up.

Bear Tracker

Bear Tracker is a website that is connected with third-party plugins and records whenever that plugin reports an A-Rank as dead.

To view timers, select your Data Center. "Show A Ranks Table" should be selected, and from there you may filter down worlds/servers, expansions, and instances.

How To Read Timers on Bear Tracker


Faloop! is a toolkit that includes trackers for A-Ranks. It is manually input by users, so it may not always be marked. However, it is an option to check on in addition to the timers on Bear Tracker.

To view timers, select your Data Center and World. Click on the tab at the top menu named "A-Ranks." There is a menu to filter by expansion, world, and whether the mark's window is open or not.

How to Read Timers on Faloop!

Note: These examples show names of Endwalker and Shadowbringers A-Ranks which do not drop Allied or Centurio Seals.

Open (green): This mark's spawn window has been open for 47 minutes. It is at 39% through the window.

Capped (blue): This mark's spawn window has been open for 2 hours and 51 minutes. It capped 51 minutes ago.

Closed (grey): This mark's spawn window is closed, and will open in 3 hours and 17 minutes.

A-Rank Spawn Locations

A-Ranks all spawn in specific spots on the map. Some share spots, while other spots are specific to certain A-Ranks.

Spawn Location Map on Bear

To view spawn locations for each A-Rank, locate the A-Rank you want to find, and click on the map icon next to the zone name in the same row.

Spawn Location Map on Faloop!

Clicking on a row for an A-Rank on the A-Ranks page will display a pop-up containing information on the selected A-Rank. Click on the map icon circled in red below.

Last updated